Saturday 24 March 2012

Luck of the Irish missed for Fanshawe students

1.    What is the link to Crisis Management?
St. Patrick’s day, there was a riot that started at a local subdivision where many local students live from Fanshawe College. This is the largest riot in Southwestern Ontario’s city history. When policemen tried to control the festivities, revelers fought back smashing cruisers causing officers to retreat from the scene. A CTV vehicle that was overturned which resulted one woman to have burns from the exploding fuel tank. As a result of this, local residents don’t feel safe in the area.

2.    What stage of Crisis Management does the system appear to be at?
The system seems to be at the issues stage for the local police in the area and for the Fanshawe president Howard Rundle. They are coming up with ideas to mitigate the risk of this happening again and are taking the necessary action against those students that were arrested.

For the students who have been arrested and suspended pending the outcome of their cases and local residents that live in the area, this is at a risk stage. The students who are suspended are at risk of being suspended completely from Fanshawe College, and further are at risk of having a criminal record depending on the outcome of their cases. For the residents, local safety is an issue. One lady who lived in the area expressed that she spent much of the riot in her basement with her 6 children and is no looking for a new home. Other residents will also have the same concerns for their safety and the safety of their children.

3.    How well does the system appear to be handling the situation?
The system seems to handling the situation appropriately. City Councilor is looking to potentially have a satellite police station near Fleming drive to keep future parties under control. Fanshawe president is looking to craft bylaws to limit the number of students that live in that area. Further, corrective action is being taken against those who were arrested at the scene.

4.    What level of crisis preparedness does the system appear to have?

The system handled the situation poorly. Since ‘parties are a staple of the street’ and have led to brawls and arrests in the past, the city and local police should have been prepared for a riot of this scale. Especially since there was the riot in BC as well as the riot at Queens University a few years back, this situation is definitely a probable scenario. Even though police tried to control the festivities the crowd fought back and things got worse when officers retreated. They flipped a car, which then exploded, and it wasn’t before dawn police moved in and ended the party.

5.    What personal reactions/feelings does the description trigger in you?
I was initially confused whether this happened in London England, and when I knew it was in London I automatically assumed it was Western University and therefore I was surprised when I learned that it was Fanshawe college. Having been an undergraduate student myself, and attending events like homecoming at Queen’s, riots as such happen spontaneously and police have often angered and provoked students even more.  This situation comes to me as no surprise as result.

6.    What advice would you offer to those involved?
I would suggest that they have a plan in place before the party has started before letting it get out of control. Further, clearly those that attended the street party did not respect and disregarded the force of police. Unfortunately when dealing with students who are under the influence, sometimes you need to set an example of the kind of force you will need to take to ensure people understand who is control- in this situation because police power was not big enough initially, the students realized quickly they had the power and abused the situation.

My advice to students would be similar to those in the article- with the prevalence of smart phones with ability to take videos and photos that can be uploaded instantly and sent virally, I would caution them to be smart when drinking.  I do agree that images can be taken out of context, especially for those who are at the wrong place at the wrong time. Therefore, it is really important to ensure that when things get out of hand, you live the premises. 

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